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What We Do

Learn more about what we do here at Sneezeless!


Experience a new standard in our Curly Haired Fox Trotters. We prioritize animal welfare, and doing things differently for a purpose. Join us with our selective breeding, and let your journey with the finest begin! 

Trail Rides

We provide guided trail rides, offering a unique outdoor experience. Our knowledgeable guides ensure a safe and enjoyable journey, sharing scenic routes and a guaranteed memorable adventure

Professional Lessons

Discover the art of riding with our professional horse riding lessons. From english hunter jumpers to western and barrels. Our trustworthy and experienced coaches are here to guide you to the next level of riding. 

More On The Curly Horse!

Why are they so cool???

In-depth studies on curly horses have delved into their hypoallergenic qualities, as the unique curls in their coats are believed to produce fewer allergenic proteins than straight haired horses. This has sparked interest in the potential benefits of curly horses for individuals with allergies to horse hair/dander. Moreover, researchers has explored the historical aspects of curly horses, tracing their roots to indigenous tribes in North America, where they were highly valued for their hardiness and versatility. Beyond their intriguing coat characteristics, studies have investigated the overall heath and performance of curly horses, providing valuable insights into their adaptability and potential advantages in various equestrian disciplines. the culmination of backed research on curly horses contributes not only to the understanding of their physical traits but also to their cultural and historical significance. 

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